Important information for potential applicants to our open Transnational Access Call. Please register your application early and read this information.

TA Call 1: Regional Lighthouse Access Call
The Regional Lighthouse Access Call was open from 11th of November 2024 until 20th of January 2025. The Call prioritised themes, scientific and societal challenges in the EU Mission Lighthouse Regions, as specified in the AQUARIUS Call Priority Report and the Design and Definition of Transnational Access Calls Report. The Regional Lighthouse Access Call was based on the four Lighthouse Regions, including cross-cutting Lighthouse Regions where thematically appropriate.
The portal for the submission of applications closed at 23:59 CEST on 20th January, 2025. Applications received after the closing date and time of the call will not be considered.
— Call 1 Challenges
The Regional Lighthouse Access Call is based on the four Lighthouse Regions, including cross-cutting Lighthouse Regions where thematically appropriate. For each region, several lines of action are defined as shown in the table below. A more detailed overview of the lines of action and the scientific and societal challenges of the AQUARIUS calls can be found in the report Design and Definition of Transnational Access Calls.
Table: Lines of Action of the first AQUARIUS TA call