Open Science
Open science is an approach to research based on open cooperative work that emphasizes the sharing of knowledge, results and tools as early and widely as possible. It is a legal obligation under Horizon Europe, and fosters greater transparency and trust for the benefit of scientific research and for the benefit of EU citizens. The European Research Infrastructures in AQUARIUS are crucial enablers of research and technological innovation and drivers of multidisciplinary and data-intensive science.
AQUARIUS is committed to open science and open science practices are an integral part of our training programmes to researchers of awarded projects, with a particular focus on open data.
Open Data: the AQUARIUS approach
AQUARIUS has adopted an open data policy, which will be implemented with a dedicated data management plan, to ensure that all gathered and generated metadata and data will be managed in line with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). The metadata and data should become part of the archives managed and operated by leading European data management infrastructures, such as SeaDataNet (physics, bathymetry, chemistry, biology, geology), EurOBIS (biodiversity), ELIXIR-ENA (biogenomics), ICOS-Ocean (carbon), and Copernicus INSTAC (Near- Real-Time data), for quality assurance, long term stewardship, and wide access and use. These infrastructures on their turn are feeding into EMODnet, Copernicus Marine, Blue-Cloud (EOSC), Digital Twin of the Ocean (DTO) developments, and globally to e.g. GEOSS, and the digital ocean ecosystem that is being developed in the framework of the UN-IOC Ocean Decade programme.
In addition, the scientific teams of the awarded projects will be invited and encouraged to register and make use of the Blue-Cloud Virtual Research Environment, which hosts a range of analytical software services and virtual labs and provides access to multidisciplinary data from observations and models, to enable them to experience web-based open science.
Data Gaps
AQUARIUS will support Transnational Access projects whose research and innovation outputs can deliver to the objectives of the EU Mission Ocean and Waters. To effectively carry out this task, AQUARIUS has completed a data gaps report comparing and analysing existing data against the identified needs per Mission lighthouse basin.
The report details a comprehensive list of data gaps within the four thematic areas for each lighthouse region and will help design the Transnational Access Calls and the selection of successful projects.