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Evaluation and selection procedure

The work flow and different steps involved in the AQUARIUS evaluation procedure are displayed in the figure below.

The incoming proposals received by the specified submission date will be checked for compliance with the eligibility criteria by the call evaluation office. Afterwards, the proposal is preliminary reviewed by the Operational Expert Panel (OEP) to check whether the logistical framework for the Transnational Access is fulfilled. In the following, the proposals are scientifically evaluated by external, independent scientific experts. The process if overseen by members of the Scientific Expert Panel (SEP).

After the individual evaluation, the SEP meets for a consensus evaluation and draws up a ranking list of proposals and a shortlist of user groups recommended for funding.

After the final recommendation of the SEP, high ranked proposals will be examined by the AQUARIUS Operational Expert Panel (OEP) to determine the logistical feasibility of the proposed work. The decisions are finalised by the infrastructure operators, based on the recommendations from the SEP and OEP.

Read more about the evaluation criteria.

Expert Panels

Scientific Expert Panel (SEP) – in progress

Inês Martins

Instituto Hidrográfico
Observation, Physical Oceanography, Data for science

Toste Tanhua

GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Chemical Oceanography, Ocean Observing, Transdient tracers

Michele Casini

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua) and Institute of Marine Research, Lysekil, Sweden; University of Bologna, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Bologna, Italy
Marine ecology, Fish population dynamics, Fisheries surveys

Gilles Reverdin

Water salinity and Isotopic composition, Ocean carbon, Ocean circulation

Louise Allcock

University of Galway
Deap-sea, VMEs, Systematics

Ana Margarida Bento

CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, Marine Energy and Hydraulic Structures Group
Sediment Dynamics and Ecosystem Stability; Sustainable and Resilient Marine Renewable Energy Infrastructure; Digital and Predictive Tools

Jens Christian Nejstgaard

Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)
Marine and freshwater ecology; Plankton trophic interactions; large-scale mesocosms

Tiago Ferradosa

University of Porto & CIIMAR
Ocean and Maritime Engineering, Physical Modelling, Aquaculture

Matthias Forwick

UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Department of Geosciences
Marine geology, Glaciated continental margins, Sedimentary processes

David Barnes

British Antarctic Survey, UKRI
Polar benthic ecology, Polar blue carbon, Continental shelf biodiversity

Urmas Lips

Tallinn University of Technology
Marine physics, Autonomous observations, Eutrophication assessment

Manuel Nande

Genetics, Aquaculture, Cephalopods

Carolyn Faithfull

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Food webs, Baltic Sea, Mesocosm experiments

Birgit Koehler

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Aquatic Resources
Biogeochemistry, Aquatic ecosystems, Climate change

Noel Holmgren

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Andrea Belgrano

Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Marine Research
Biodiversity, Food webs, Ecosystem-based management, Ocean governance sustainability and resilience

Laura Boicenco

National Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa" (NIMRD)
Algal blooms, Impacts of pelagic habitats

Adriana Maria Constantinescu


Mihaela Muresan

NIRD GeoEcoMar
Zooplankton, Pelagic Habitats, Ecosystem services, Meiobenthos

Tatiana Begun

NIRD GeoEcoMar
Macrozoobenthos, Benthic habitats, MPAs

Laura Dutu

NIRD GeoEcoMar
Fluvial geomorphology, Hydrodynamics, Sedimentology

Laura Guimarães

Environmental toxicology, Biomonitoring of hazardous substances and materials, Diagnose ecosystems quality and recovery

Luis Menezes Pinheiro

University of Aveiro, Portugal
Marine geology and geophysics, Continental margin formation, Mud volcanism and cold steeps

Chiara Papetti

University of Padova
Molecular ecology, Antarctic fish, Population genetics

Katrin Schroeder

Physical oceanography, Chemical oceanography, Sensors calibration

Martina Busetti

National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics
Marine geology and geophysics, Seismic interpretation, Continental margin

Caterina Morigi

Earth Sciences Department, University of Pisa
Marine geology, Microfossils, Stratigraphy

Carlotta Mazzoldi

Department of Biology, University of Padova, Italy
Fish biology, Behavioural ecology, Conservation

Operational Expert Panel (OEP)

Aodhán Fitzgerald

Research Vessel Operations Manager at the Marine Institute

Gerard Dooly

Lecturer in robotics & automation at the University of Limerick and co-director of the Centre for robotics & intelligent systems (

Lieven Naudts

Coordinator RV Belgica & Head of the Measurement Services Ostend at the Institute of Natural Sciences, Belgium


The National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-ecology, Romania, operate the RV Mare Nigrum, RV Istros and the Danube Delta super-site

Simo Cusi

Engineering and Logistics Officer at EMSO ERIC, focuses on technology development and best practices at EMSO regional facilities