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Utö Marine and Atmospheric Research Station

Infrastructure Profile

Infrastructure Provider


Utö Island, Archipelago Sea, Baltic Sea

Organisation & Address

Finnish Meteorological Institute, Erik Palménin aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki

Infrastructure Webpage 

Link to Infrastructure Schedules (if applicable)


Normal Area of Operation

The outer edge of the Archipelago Sea in the Baltic Sea

Maximum Number of Days Available

120 days


Depth of Operation

0 – 80 m

Power Supply


Communication System(s)




Sensors Available, Scientific Payload etc.

Surface waves, SST
Flow-through system: Temperature, Salinity, pCO2, chlorophyll, turbidity
Eddy covariance fluxes: fCO2
Atmospheric observations: O2, CH4 concentrations, aerosol particles, wind speed, PAR
Electromagnetic signal propagation observations

Scientific and Technical Specifications

General Information

Utö at the outer edge of the Archipelago Sea in the Baltic Sea, is one of the main observing sites of FMI. The Island can be reached 4 times a week by free public transport and has a hotel with conference facilities. Marine observations are mainly scientists-operated, with strong support from FMI observing services unit.
Infrastructure includes the following observations:
  • Surface waves and temperature; temperature, salinity, turbidity, chlorophyll, O2 (-5 m); Ice cover; pCO2; sea-atmosphere CO2-flux
  • Temperature, salinity, O2, nutrient profiles (-80 m to surface) during sea-ice free period
  • A continuous water flow from the sea (possible to install new instruments utilizing ~ 5 lpm sea water/instrument)
  • Atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations
  • Meteorology: wind speed and direction, temperature, PAR, diffuse and global radiation, weather camera; atmospheric trace gases; physical, chemical and optical properties of aerosol particles
  • Electromagnetic signal propagation observations
Utö Transnational Access (TA) offers possibilities to use data of the available sensors during the period of TA, install additional sensors by users and gather water samples for instruments (technical, safety and security limitations allowing). FMI has a part-time technician at the site who can help in weekly maintenance 1-2 hours/week (TA-users must provide a detailed SOP describing the maintenance procedures).
Depending on the parameter, time-step ranges from 1-5 min to hourly averaged values. This can be adjusted to fit the scientific purpose.
Part of data are displayed on Utö station webpage in csv (comma-separated values) plain text format. Large datasets can be distributed through other channels.

Support offered to AQUARIUS users

FMI operating team will provide necessary technical support for installation and maintenance, data processing and transmission, as well as supporting data from other observations at Utö station.
The access to on-site observations does not require the presence of the user group at Utö station. However, if the project involves testing instruments or making innovative multidisciplinary integrated observations, users could bring their own measuring system to be installed/tested with the help of FMI technician.
Measurements performed at Utö Research station are available online in near-real time from the Research Station webpage. Oceanographic and meteorological observations since 1889 are also available as time series datasets. Real-time onsite data can be transmitted through permanent optical fibre or 3G connection.

Infrastructure Availability and Contact Details

Year 2025

All year round although some parameters may be measured only during the sea-ice free season. Due to limited space, exact periods must be coordinated with other users / field campaigns.

Year 2026

All year round although some parameters may be measured only during the sea-ice free season. Due to limited space, exact periods must be coordinated with other users / field campaigns.

Year 2027

All year round although some parameters may be measured only during the sea-ice free season. Due to limited space, exact periods must be coordinated with other users / field campaigns.

Contact email for applicants to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application

ivia.closset[at], lauri.laakso[at]

Certification and Clearance Requirements

Diplomatic clearances or permits required for area or type of activity

All (physical) visits to the installation will be done under guidance of FMI support team with a prior security screening by the Finnish Defence Forces