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UL Drone

UL Hybrid Drone

Infrastructure Profile

Infrastructure Provider

Base Location

University of Limerick

Organisation & Address

University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland

Infrastructure Webpage 

Link to Infrastructure Schedules (if applicable)


Normal Area of Operation

Typically this Infrastructure is used in conjunction with flight license and permissions under Irish Aviation Authority. UL fly this in Ireland and can fly it in a number of locations. Time is required to ensure these licenses are in place. Flying outside Ireland it is also possible, however license applications need to be completed with the local aviation regulator and licenses acquired. If flying drone beyond visual line of sight, then a license or Temporary Restricted Area needs to be also acquired.

Maximum Number of Days Available

14 days

Scientists’ Travel and Logistics (T&L) Budget Available

€ 6,000.00


Flight Time (with & without payload)

3 – 6 hrs, depending on the type of operations and payload weight

Transmission Range

30 km, can be extended but depends on base station equipment, area of operations and permissions.
Global satellite communication are also available.

Maximum Altitude

10,000 ft


5 m winspan

Weight & max take-off weight

70 kg Max Take-off Weight (MTOW)

Weather Limits

20 knots wind, not rated for heavy rain

Surveying Instruments Available

LiDAR, RGB, Multispectral, Hyperspectral, other

Scientific and Technical Specifications

General Information

UL_Hybrid Drone is a maritime VTOL, heavy payload, Long endurance and Long range, Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS), which is portable and robust. The system is an exciting new variant of UAV with the versatility of VTOL capabilities but with the added advantage of fixed wing endurance (6hrs+). High bandwidth video relay and control communications far offshore with endurance range of up to 600 kilometers. Nondependency on runway or catapult makes it ideal for ship based launch and recovery.

Services currently offered by the infrastructure: The UL_Hybrid Drone system has survey grade navigation capability, allowing for survey grade deliveries. Payload capability is 5 kg with typical survey instruments including LiDAR, Thermal imaging, Photogrammetry cameras, Stereos Cameras, 4k video, environmental sensor suite and hyperspectral & multispectral imaging sensors. The system is suited to offshore infrastructure inspection, habitat monitoring, bird & mammal mapping, water quality surveying, HAB monitoring, forest mapping, coastal change monitoring and border security operations.

Scientific Limitations

None, Airspace Clearance Requirement

Special Features

Hybrid VTOL, long endurance, high payload

Support offered to AQUARIUS users

Support to put in place: Pilot Licenses, Operator Licenses, OA Licenses, Permissions to complete the requested ops.
Support for payload integrations and training of the system.
Support for flight execution.

Infrastructure Availability and Contact Details

Year 2025

Availability within most months, location is dependent on country / local aviation regulations and zones

Year 2026

Availability within most months, location is dependent on country / local aviation regulations and zones

Year 2027

Availability within most months, location is dependent on country / local aviation regulations and zones

Contact email for applicants to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application


Certification and Clearance Requirements

Airspace Clearance Requirements

Yes. Typically this Infrastructure is used in conjunction with flight license and permissions under Irish Aviation Authority. UL fly this in Ireland and can fly it in a number of locations. Time is required to ensure these licenses are in place. If flying outside Ireland it is also possible, however license applications need to be completed with the local aviation regulator and licenses acquired. If flying drone beyond visual line of sight, then a license or Temporary Restricted Area needs to be also acquired

Diplomatic Clearance Requirements


Additional clearances or documentations required for an area or type of activity

Pilot Licenses, Operator Licenses, OA Licenses, Permissions to complete the requested ops

Additional training required

A General Operations training is required, as well as Health & Safety, Risks etc, and will be provided by the Infrastructure Operator.