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Roscoff Marine Station (Station Biologique de Roscoff)

Infrastructure Profile

Infrastructure Provider


Roscoff, France

Organisation & Address

Station Biologique de Roscoff, Place Georges Teissier, 29680 Roscoff, France

Infrastructure Webpage 

Infrastructure Schedule

Maximum Number of Days Available

For each project, 90 days

Scientists’ Travel and Logistics (T&L) Budget Available

€2,033.33 (Please note, this budget is shared among OOB, SBR & IMEV)


Equipment & Service Components Available

EMBRC-France-SBR offers the following services/equipment:
2.Culture collections
3.Marine model organisms
4.Organisms collected in the wild
5.Coastal research vessels
6.Scientific diving
7.Aquaria and tanks
8.Dry laboratories:
9.Wet laboratories
10.In-house lodging
12.Molecular biology and omics
13.Structural and chemical analysis

Testing and Analyses Facilitated

The above listed services facilitate access to the following:
  1. Biobanks: Cryopreserved samples of marine organisms
  2. Culture collections: Roscoff Culture Collection: 4431 living strains of marine microalgae, macroalgae, bacteria and viruses. More info of the RCC (Roscoff culture collection) is available here
  3. Marine model organisms: On-site or remote availability of Scyliorhinus canicula eggs, Ciona intestinalis, Paracentrotus lividus, Ciona robusta, Sphaerechinus granularis. Platform name: Service Aquariologie (SA CRBM)
  4. Organisms collected in the wild: Collection and supply of local marine flora and fauna from Morlaix Bay / Brittany coast. Platform name: Moyens à la Mer (MAM)
  5. Coastal research vessels: 12 m vessel up to 30 miles offshore Roscoff. Coastal fishing, dredging, plankton net, hydrology, etc. Sampling gear, instrumentation, onboard wet laboratory. 2 lighter boats (length 6 m) for coastal waters (<5 miles) and very shallow depths. Diving operations. Platform name: Moyens à la Mer (MAM)
  6. Scientific diving: Morlaix Bay / Brittany coasts. Underwater photo / video. Visual inspection, sampling protocols and experiments. Deployment and maintenance of moored sensors. Can operate autonomously (up to 3 divers) or support visiting divers. Platform name: Moyens à la Mer (MAM)
  7. Aquaria and tanks: Access to open/closed circuit running seawater experimental infrastructures. Aquaria/tanks from 15 to 4000 L; regulation of temperature, pH, salinity, tide, etc. Platform name: Service Aquariologie (SA CRBM)
  8. Dry laboratories: Microalgae lab (microscope and binocular with camera – laminar flow cabinet – incubator basic consumables and reagents). Molecular biology lab (PCR hood, transilluminator UV, nanodrop, spectrophotometer, consumables, reagents)
  9. Wet laboratories: Running seawater, fumehood, microscope, stereomicroscope, incubator, fridge and freezer, field equipment, consumables reagents
  10. In-house lodging: In-house lodging available upon use of experimental facilities, biological resources or ecosystem access
  11. Imaging: Confocal, fluorescence, transmission electron microscopes. Platform name: MerImage
  12. Molecular biology and omics:Sequencing and molecular biology. Platform name: Genomer
  13. Structural and chemical analysis: Technology platform for structural and chemical analyses. Platform names: CrystalO and Metabomer

Size and Capacity/Volume and Throughput

Whenever applicable and available, this information is detailed in the description above

Scientific and Technical Specifications

General Information

The Station Biologique de Roscoff (SBR) is a research and training center in marine biology and oceanography, in an area hosting high biodiversity and variety of habitats. It has become a world-renowned research and training centre in marine biology and ecology, with circa 300 staff on a 20.000 m² campus.
SBR’s missions are (1) to promote research and training on the biology of marine organisms and ecosystems; (2) to provide access, both for staff and non-resident researchers, to the ecological and biological resources of the site; (3) to carry out long-term observations of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the coastal environment in the vicinity of Roscoff; (4) to contribute to the regional ecosystem of innovation.
Research covers aspects from genes to the marine environment and includes the study of biological processes in marine organisms, the discovery of bioactive molecules of marine origin for potential therapeutic applications, the study of the marine environment and the way it shapes ecosystems, populations and organisms, and the functional and evolutionary processes that structure marine biodiversity.

Support offered to AQUARIUS users

A typical access process involves 1-2 persons for a duration of one month. Planning: Usually started remotely; Setting Up and Monitoring: Experiments or ecosystem access are arranged and monitored. For longer experiments, the service provider may set them up, and the visit focuses on monitoring, finalizing experiments, collecting samples, and preparing them for transport; Sample Analysis: Some samples may be analyzed locally in laboratories and technological platforms; Responsibilities: Users handle paperwork and shipment costs for special materials, reagents, or equipment. A User Access contract must be signed between the host institution and the user’s home institution; Seminars: Visitors are invited to present at the weekly seminar program

Infrastructure Availability and Contact Details

Year 2025

Available all-year round

Year 2026

Available all-year round

Year 2027

Available all-year round

Contact email for applicants to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application

Cécile Cabresin (cecile.cabresin[at], cc: to Nathalie Turque (nathalie.turque[at]