Important information for potential applicants to our open Transnational Access Call. Please register your application early and read this information.
Infrastructure Profile
Location/Home Port
Oostende, Belgium
Organisation & Address
Flanders Marine Institute, Jacobsenstraat 1, 8400, Oostende, Belgium
Normal Area of Operation
Standard Area of Operation roughly delimited by cities of Le Havre/Southampton (0W), Hull (54N) and Texel (5E).
Maximum Area of Operation up 4W, 57N and 8E.
Maximum Number of Days Available
10 days
Maximum Number of Scientific Berths Available
10 days
Maximum Number of Scientific Berths Available
€ 12,000.00
36 m
9.4 m
3.5 m
Gross Tonnage
461 T
Ice Class Rating
Dynamic Positioning (DP) Rating
Service Speed
12 knots
Scientific and Technical Specifications
Laboratory Facilities
Dry lab 15 m²
Wet lab 18 m²
CTD/Plankton sampling
SBE25 + SBE55 carousel (6*4.5L niskin bottles)
WP2, Calcofi plankton nets
Video Plankton Recorder
Multi-Beam(s)/Sub Bottom profiling
Kongsberg 2040
Innomar SES Quattro & Smart
GSO 360 Sparker
ADCP Teledyne Mariner
Fisheries Echo Sounders/Sonar
Coring/Sampling Capabilities
OSIL 3 m Vibrocorer
Hamon grab
Reineck boxcorer
NIOZ boxcorer
2x 6 T main winches (steel wire) aft gantry
1x 1 T side gantry
CTD boom
Special features
Silent R / ICES 209
Aftdeck provides capacity to install 1 x 20ft and 1 x 10ft container
Mobile netdrum and optic fibre winch (VPR)
Underway measuring system with S, T, Oxygen and Chlorophyll
Simon Stevin functions as a ICOS stations and measures continuously pCO2 en route (ICOS standard)
This capacity can be augmented with CH4 measurements
Suitable Surveys
Seismic, Multibeam, ADCP, Seabird & Sea Mammals
Scientific Limitations
Ultraclean sampling (e.g. trace metals)
Vessel capability to support ROV deployment
Simon Stevin supported surveys with a FET (former subatlantic) Cherokee ROV with TMS
Support offered to AQUARIUS users
Support is basically shiptime but VLIZ can evaluate to provide extra logistic support or extra capacity to campaigns (provision of extra sensors/instruments) or even eventually scientific diving
Infrastructure Availability and Contact Details
Year 2025
Homeport is Oostende, Belgium
Simon Stevin is available year round, call for shiptime requests launched in June and schedule fixed in early October for the following year.
Year 2026
Homeport is Oostende, Belgium
Simon Stevin is available year round, call for shiptime requests launched in June and schedule fixed in early October for the following year.
Year 2027
Homeport is Oostende, Belgium
Simon Stevin is available year round, call for shiptime requests launched in June and schedule fixed in early October for the following year.
Contact email for applicants to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application
Certification and Clearance Requirements
Medical Certification Requirements
Are additional medical checks required?
Survival training certification required for joining vessel
None required, but STCW Personal Survival Training advised
Additional certification required
Diplomatic clearance or other permits required and any relevant information about the application process
Under the United Nations Convention on Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS) MSR/Diplomatic clearance is required for research cruises taking place in other EEZs (national jurisdictions other than the vessel’s own). Application forms should be submitted via Diplomatic Channels (Government Foreign Departments/Ministries) 6-7 months prior to sailing by Principle Investigators in conjunction with the vessel operator. RV Vessel Operations department will generally administer the application process but please consult with the operators in advance. In case Nagoya applies, ABS rules apply (see ABS clearing house).
Any additional clearances required for area or type of activity
Permit needed to enter Windmill farms along Belgian coast.
No other permits needed as long as no autonomous vessels are being deployed.
Additional training required
There may be additional training required depending on facilities used, e.g. CTD, multi beam, etc. The Infrastructure Operator will provide the training on-site. Training will consist of operational instructions and short hands-on training before campaign start in case needed.