Important information for potential applicants to our open Transnational Access Call. Please register your application early and read this information.
Infrastructure Profile
Location/Home Port
Zeebrugge, Belgium
Organisation & Address
Institute of Natural Sciences – 3de en 23ste Linieregimentsplein, B-8400 Ostend, Belgium
Normal Area of Operation
80N – 28N & 55W – 36E
North Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea
Scientists’ Travel and Logistics (T&L) Budget Available
€ 18,000.00
71.4 m
16.8 m
4.6 m
Gross Tonnage
3722 T
Ice Class Rating
Dynamic Positioning (DP) Rating
Service Speed
11 knots
Maximum Number of Scientific Berths Available
22 berths available
Maximum Number of Scientific Berths Available
22 berths available
Scientific and Technical Specifications
Laboratory Facilities
The ship has 9 labs (e.g. 5 dry labs, 2 wet labs, one scientific coordination and a data acquisition room) with a total lab space of more than 400 m². The wet fish lab is fitted with a stainless-steel fish sorting system and different freezers (-20°C & 80°C) and refrigerators are available. There is deck space for nine 20′ gear and lab containers.
AUMS (Autonomous Underway Measurement System): An elaborate “ferrybox” system for measuring physical, biological and chemical seawater properties (temperature, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, chlorophyll, algae classes, fluorescence, dissolved organic matter, pCO2, etc.) with automatic water sampler.
Visit website for more info
CTD/Plankton sampling
CTD equipment: Sea-Bird SBE19 CTD (2x), Sea-Bird SBE9plus CTD (2x), Sea-Bird SBE21 thermosalinograph (2x), SBE 911 CTD (2x)
Water sampling equipment: Sea-Bird model 32 carousel for 24 10 liter Niskin bottles (2x)
Thermosalinograph Seabird, 2 x SBE21, with 2 x temperature sensor SBE38
Various plankton nets can be deployed
Multi-Beam(s)/Sub Bottom profiling
Deep Water Multibeam Echo Sounder Kongsberg EM304, 1×1 Degree System
Parametric Sub-Bottom Profiler TOPAS PS18 System
Shallow Water Multibeam Echo Sounder Kongsberg EM2040-04 Dual SX, Single Swath System
Fisheries Echo Sounders/Sonar
Omnidirectional fishery Sonar Simrad SU90 System
Scientific Multibeam Echo Sounder Simrad ME70 System
Scientific Split Beam Echo Sounders Simrad EK80, 6 Channel System
Kongsberg HiPAP 502 system
Coring/Sampling Capabilities
Coring and sampling capability up to 5000 m water depth. MeBo70 drill rig & BGS RD2 rock drill can be deployed, as well as a 15 m piston corer. All smaller coring and sampling gear can be deployed as well.
3 Cranes (FWD, MID, AFT) – 1.5t, 4t, 8t
2 CTD Winches (STBD) – AHC – 5000 m
Multifunctional Winch (STBD) – 5000 m
Hydrographic Winch (AFT/STBD) – 5000 m
2 Trawl Winches – 40t – 5000 m
Net Drum Winch – 30t – 10 m2
Split Net Drum Winch – 30t – 8 m2 each
Net Sonde Winch – 4.2t – 5000 m
2 Gilson Winches – 10t – 200 m
CTD Gantry & LARS (STBD)
2 STBD T-frame Gantries – 15t MBL
AFT A-Frame – 30t MBL
Visit website for more info
Special features
Silent (DNV-GL Silent-R) & ice-strengthened multidisciplinary research vessel that is purposely build to deploy all large (and small) existing European marine research equipment (ROVs, AUVs, drill rigs, etc.)
ICOS AUMS underway system
Suitable Surveys
Suitable for all kinds of research campaign from the shelf (10 m water depth) to “full” ocean depth (5000 m water depth):
- Oceanographic surveys
- Fishery surveys
- ROV, AUV, USV & UAV surveys
- Geologic incl. seismic survey
- Biological surveys
- Hydrographic surveys
- Chemistry surveys
Scientific Limitations
All systems up to 105 tonne total deck load can be deployed
Vessel capability to support ROV deployment
All large EU research ROVs can be deployed (ROV Victor, ROV Quest, ROV Kiel 6000, ROV Holland I, etc.)
Support offered to AQUARIUS users
All vessel equipment will be made available to AQUARIUS users on request. Technical support on vessel equipment will be available during the entire survey.
Infrastructure Availability and Contact Details
Contact email for applicants to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application
Certification and Clearance Requirements
Medical Certification Requirements
A medical fitness document signed by a general practitioner to be foreseen prior to the campaign.
Any possible health issues should be discussed prior to the campaign with the Coordinator RV Belgica and the Captain RV Belgica.
Are additional medical checks required?
Survival training certification required for joining vessel
No certification required
Additional certification required
No certification required
Diplomatic clearance or other permits required and any relevant information about the application process
Under the United Nations Convention on Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS) MSR/Diplomatic clearance is required for research cruises taking place in other EEZs (national jurisdictions other than the vessel’s own). Application forms should be submitted via Diplomatic Channels (Government Foreign Departments/Ministries) 6-7 months prior to sailing by Principle Investigators in conjunction with the vessel operator. RV Vessel Operations department will generally administer the application process but please consult with the operators in advance.
Any additional clearances required for area or type of activity
Requirements for other jurisdictions to be addressed via the diplomatic clearance process