Important information for potential applicants to our open Transnational Access Call. Please register your application early and read this information.
Infrastructure Profile
Organisation & Address
Hellenic Centre For Marine Research, 46,7 km Athinon-Souniou Avenue, 19013 Anavyssos, Attica, Greece
Link to Infrastructure Schedules (if applicable)
Normal Area of Operation
Aegean and Ionian Seas
Maximum Number of Days Available
6 months
Scientists’ Travel and Logistics (T&L) Budget Available
€ 4,000.00
Depth of Operation
Poseidon Surface Buoys: 1670 m maximum
Poseidon Glider: Surface to 1000 m
Poseidon FerryBox: Surface (5 m)
Power Supply
Poseidon Surface Buoys: Batteries
Poseidon Glider: Batteries
Poseidon FerryBox: Ships power supply
Communication System(s)
Poseidon Surface Buoys: GSM (Global System for Mobile communication)
Poseidon Glider: Iridium satellite
Poseidon FerryBox: GSM (Global System for Mobile communication)
Poseidon Surface Buoys: 2.5 m diameter
Poseidon Glider: 1.5 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m. Total system weight 50 kg.
Poseidon FerryBox: 1.24 m x 0.67 m x 2.3 m. Total system weight 400 kg.
Sensors Available, Scientific Payload etc.
Poseidon Buoys:
Atmospheric: Temp, wind (speed & direction), pressure.
Marine: ctd, Oxygen, Chl-a, CO2, ph, waves, currents.
Poseidon Glider:
CTD, Chl-a, Oxygen. Acoustics sensors are also available.
Poseidon FerryBox:
Temperature, conductivity, Oxygen, Fluorescence (Chl-a), Turbidity, CO2 plus a in-situ sampler (12 bottles of 1 litre each).
The Ferrybox also has the possibility to integrated other sensors (depending mainly on the water flow needs)
Scientific and Technical Specifications
General Information
POSEIDON System is an observatory research infrastructure of the Eastern Mediterranean basin, for the monitoring and forecasting of the marine environment, supporting the efforts of the international and local community and replying to the needs and gaps of science, technology and society. It is composed by the following components a) the observing, b) forecasting, c) data and d) technology.
POSEIDON Surface Buoys: The Poseidon system operates a network of fixed measuring floats, which are moored at various locations in the Aegean and Ionian sea to monitor atmospheric variables as well as seawater physical and biochemical variables. The data, are collected in near real time at the POSEIDON operational center where they are automatically processed, quality controlled, stored to the system’s database and then released to the European Marine Databanks (CMEMS, EMODnet).
POSEIDON Alseamar SeaExplorer Glider. An endurance line has been established in the Cretan Sea, in order to monitor the physical and biochemical parameters of the seawater (e.g. temperature, salinity, oxygen concentration), study the seasonal variability of the flow field, and collect evidence for the intermediate or deep water formation events that are known to occur in the area. Usually a trajectory parallel to the island of Crete, (length approximately 220 km) is repeated 2 to 3 times during a mission fo a duration of 30 to 45 days duration.
POSEIDON FerryBox system onboard a ferry on the line Heraklion to Piraeus operates at daily frequency . As the boat travels, the FerryBox monitors sea water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration, turbidity, chlorophyll concentration and sea water CO2. The data are transmitted in near real-time.
Support offered to AQUARIUS users
As a generic service, the whole system is offered as a test bench for existing and new sensors while the different platforms allow a multi node study. Overall, there is scientific, technical and logistics support in every link of the chain from the individual measurement to the final product.
Infrastructure Availability and Contact Details
Year 2025
Surface Buoys are available all year.
The Glider operates in the Cretan Sea – availability upon consultation.
Ferrybox operates between Heraklion to Pireus and is available all year.
Year 2026
Surface Buoys are available all year.
The Glider operates in the Cretan Sea – availability upon consultation.
Ferrybox operates between Heraklion to Pireus and is available all year.
Year 2027
Surface Buoys are available all year.
The Glider operates in the Cretan Sea – availability upon consultation.
Ferrybox operates between Heraklion to Pireus and is available all year.
Contact email for applicants to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application
gpetihakis[at]; cfrangoulis[at]; mntou[at]
Certification and Clearance Requirements
Diplomatic clearances or permits required for area or type of activity