Important information for potential applicants to our open Transnational Access Call. Please register your application early and read this information.
Oceanological Observatory of Banyuls-sur-Mer (Observatoire Oceanologique de Banyuls-sur-mer)
Infrastructure Profile
Banyuls-sur-mer, France
Organisation & Address
Avenue Pierre Fabre, 66650 Banyuls-sur-Mer, France
Maximum Number of Days Available
For each project, 90 days
Scientists’ Travel and Logistics (T&L) Budget Available
€2,033.33 (Please note, this budget is shared among OOB, SBR & IMEV)
Equipment & Service Components Available
EMBRC-France-OOB offers the following services/equipment:
1.Culture collections
2.Marine model organisms
3.Coastal research vessels
4.Scientific diving
5.Aquaria and tanks
6.Climate controlled rooms
7.Dry laboratories
8.Wet laboratories
9.In-house lodging
11.Molecular biology and omics
12.Structural and chemical analysis
Testing and Analyses Facilitated
The above listed services facilitate access to the following:
- Culture collections: Banyuls Bacteria Culture Collection: ca. 2500 living strains of marine bacteria. More info of the Banyuls Bacteria Culture Collection (2B2C) is available here
- Marine model organisms: Provision of organisms at various life stages, as Branchiostoma lanceolatum, Phallusia mamillata, Ditrupa arietina, Corallium rubrum, Paracentrotus lividus, Aurelia aurita, Zebrafishes, Amphiprion ocellaris, Pocillopora damicornis, Scyliorhinus canicula, etc. Platform name: Services Aquariologie (SA CRBM) et Collection de Mutants
- Coastal research vessels: Research vessels for the access of the Banyuls Bay. Platform name: Moyens à la Mer (MAM)
- Scientific diving: Sampling and in situ experiment in Banyuls sur mer and around. Underwater photo / video, visual inspection. Platform name: Moyens à la Mer (MAM)
- Aquaria and tanks: Open/closed circuit running seawater experimental infrastructures. Platform name: Service Aquariologie (SA CRBM)
- Climate controlled rooms: Biochemistry. Platform name: Bio2Mar
- Dry laboratories: Laboratory equipped for observation and cellular biology
- Wet laboratories: Laboratories equipped with running seawater, fumehood, microscope, stereomicroscope, incubator, fridge and freezer
- In-house lodging: In-house lodging available upon use of experimental facilities, biological resources or ecosystem access
- Imaging: BIOPIC platforms: flow cytometry, transmission electron microscope, fluorescence microscopes wide fields, laser scanning microscope
- Molecular biology and omics: Molecular biology. Platform name: Bio2Mar
- Structural and chemical analysis: Microbiology and biochemistry laboratories for the identification of prokaryotes, eukaryotes, isolation and culture of microbes. Platform name: Bio2Mar
Size and Capacity/Volume and Throughput
Whenever applicable and available, this information is detailed in the description above
Scientific and Technical Specifications
General Information
The Oceanographic Observatory of Banyuls-sur-Mer (OOB), also called Laboratoire ARAGO, was founded in 1882 in a location with exceptional marine biodiversity and well situated for oceanographic studies. As recognition of this hot spot for marine biodiversity, the first Marine Reserve in France was established in Banyuls in 1974. The second National Marine Park in France and the first marine protected area on the French Mediterranean coast was created in 2012, with a large perimeter including the deep Lacaze–Duthiers canyon of Banyuls-sur-Mer.
Since its inception, the main tasks of the Observatory have been to train future generations of scientists, to conduct research, to insure the monitoring of the coastal environment and to allow the public to discover the marine and terrestrial biodiversity of the area. Research is conducted in several marine research areas such as marine biology, microbiology, biogeochemistry, marine ecology, integrative and evolutionary biology and biotechnology. There is a focus on the study of biodiversity and the effects of environmental disturbance on organisms and ecosystems.
Support offered to AQUARIUS users
A typical access process involves 1-2 persons for a duration of one month. Planning: Usually started remotely; Setting Up and Monitoring: Experiments or ecosystem access are arranged and monitored. For longer experiments, the service provider may set them up, and the visit focuses on monitoring, finalizing experiments, collecting samples, and preparing them for transport; Sample Analysis: Some samples may be analyzed locally in laboratories and technological platforms; Responsibilities: Users handle paperwork and shipment costs for special materials, reagents, or equipment. A User Access contract must be signed between the host institution and the user’s home institution; Seminars: Visitors are invited to present at the weekly seminar program
Infrastructure Availability and Contact Details
Year 2025
Available all-year round
Year 2026
Available all-year round
Year 2027
Available all-year round
Contact email for applicants to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application
Julie Boeuf (julie.boeuf[at], cc to: nathalie.turque[at]