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SYKE Mesocosm and Calibration Facility

Infrastructure Profile

Infrastructure Provider


Helsinki, Finland

Organisation & Address

Finnish Environment Institute Syke, Latokartanonkaari 11, 00790 Helsinki, Finland

Infrastructure Webpage 

Maximum Number of Days Available

40 days


Equipment & Service Components Available

Experimental marine research laboratory, five walk-in rooms for bench-scale experimental units with adjustable light and temperature; culture rooms with temperature and light control; test space for instruments and a workshop. Indoor mesocosm facility (47 m²) with 12 x 350-L experimental units, where temperature, light and mixing can be adjusted. Automated monitoring system Aquabox for online monitoring for multiple variables. Facilities for basic laboratory work, chemical and biological analyses, laboratories for isotope, molecular, biomarker and microplastics studies, facilities for microscopy, bio-optics, particle analysis and imaging. See more on this website.

Testing and Analyses Facilitated

Sensor/method testing, validation, intercomparison and calibration
Experimentation of plankton ecosystem responses to various disturbances
Access to seawater samples (e.g., for mesocosms) with RV Aranda
FINMARI phytoplankton culture collection for test organisms
Laboratory analyses for nutrients, carbon, carbonate system, particles, optics, imaging, plankton organisms, eDNA, microplastics, etc

Size and Capacity/Volume and Throughput

Maximum volumetric capacity for experimentation is 12 x 350 L mesocosms (may increase slightly in 2025).
Typical maximum duration of experiments with such volumes is 8-14 days.
Smaller volumes for various tests as needed.

Turnaround Time for Testing and Analyses

Some of the data is real time sensor data (Aquabox).
Laboratory analyses are available hours-days -months after sampling, depending on the analyte.

Data Formats/Data Acquisition Systems

Aquabox has a Python based data Acquisition, which can be modified to meet user needs. It will provide txt file for core variables (also available in database format or NetCDF as needed). Some more complicated sensors use proprietary formats (imaging, cytometry, variable fluorescence) and users are assisted with these as needed.
Laboratory analyses provided mostly in text files.

Scientific and Technical Specifications

General Information

Facility includes a set of indoor mesocosms for experimental studies of plankton ecosystem responses to various disturbances (like light, temperature, salinity, nutrients, carbon, microplastics) combined with automated AquaBox multiparameter monitoring system. Facility allows also testing, validating, and calibrating sensors in wide range of conditions. Specific instrumentation is available especially for optical and imaging studies. Facility provides unique possibility to combine sensor testing and experimentation with field studies on RV or FerryBox.

Special Features

Syke cutting edge instrumentation and expertise for imaging of plankton, both light microscopes and Imaging Flow Cytobot (IFCB) for phytoplankton in size range < 10-150 µm; FlowCam imaging particle analyser for phyto- and microzooplankton in size range ~10-1000 µm; CytoSense particle scanning and imaging instrument for phytoplankton in size range 0.5-1000 µm (can also be used for heterotrophic organisms if combined with appropriate dyes); ZooSCAN automated imager for mesozooplankton >200µm. Instrumentation for studies of phytoplankton productivity (using 14C isotopes, photosynthetrons, and variable fluorescence instrumentation like LabSTAF) and optics (instrumentation like AquaLog, OSCAR, Varian Cary Eclipse, LISST-200x)

Support offered to AQUARIUS users

Dialogue between facility owner and users need to be established already in the planning phase, to ensure the feasibility of the project.
Support provided for experimental planning.
Logistic support and advice in bringing own instruments and sending samples.
Support in finding accommodation and travel.
Other technical and scientific support required to conduct tests/experiments and solving technical details.
Laboratory analyses and assistance for several variables, as agreed
See also videos of earlier TA projects in the facility:

Infrastructure Availability and Contact Details

Year 2025

Available all year

Year 2026

Available all year

Year 2027

Available all year

Contact email for applicants to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application


Certification and Clearance Requirements

Any permits/clearances required for operations? If yes, please provide relevant information about the application process

If a research project entails experiments with animals (fish) that require a license from the Project Authorisation Board (Eläinkoelautakunta ELLA)

Additional clearances or documentation required for an area or type of activity
