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iCIEM Ebro Delta Supersite

Infrastructure Profile

Infrastructure Provider


Ebro Delta, Catalonia (Spain)

Organisation & Address

Maritime Engineering Laboratory – LIM/UPC & Development Center of Remote Acquisition and Information Processing Systems – SARTI
UPC BarcelonaTech

Infrastructure Webpage 


Link to Infrastructure Schedules (if applicable)


Normal Area of Operation

North: 41.14007041012032, 1.7540221838562207
South: 40.462524812729946, 1.2096352003698077
West: 40.533930356974814, 0.5309255006178347

Maximum Number of Days Available

2 months

Scientists’ Travel and Logistics (T&L) Budget Available

€ 10,000.00


Breakdown of Equipment Available

Acoustic Dopplers current meters and waves.
UAV and fluormeters for dye/tracer experiments.
OBSEA: Shallow water cabled observatory (water depth 20 m).
Optical sensor.
Sea level gauge.
Lagrangian buoys.

Services & Sensors Available

Water current profilers (ADCP) and punctual (ADV). Nortek.
Optical Backscatter Sensor for suspended sediment concentration.
Anderaa (WLR7), Vegaplus (62 Radar).
Set of drifters with different autonomy and capabilities.
CTD suveys and CT proves (Seabird).
Tilt currentmeters (TCM-1/Lowell))

Depth of Operation

ADCP – From 1.5 m to 30 m
Optical Sensor – < 50 m
Sea Level Gauge – NA (Surface device)
Lagrangian buoys – NA
CTD – 20 m

Power Supply

Integrated Batteries

Dimensions & Weight

ADCP – Typical range of 50 cm of length and 2 kg
Optical Sensor – 10 cm, 300 gr (OBS3+)
Sea Level Gauge – NA
Lagrangian buoys – O(50 cm, 2 kg)

Data Acquisition and Communication Systems

Either through autonomous data logging using specific software or SD cards for data acquisition

Scientific and Technical Specifications

General Information

The scientific and technical capabilities of the infrastructure deployed along the Ebro Delta in the NW Mediterranean Sea are underpinned by a sophisticated array of field campaign devices and a comprehensive numerical modeling suite. Our arsenal of scientific equipment comprises cutting-edge acoustic sensors, precision optical sensors, and supplementary Lagrangian buoys, jointly with conventional meteorological sensors and pressure meters. These tools allow us to investigate a multitude of hydrodynamic processes, ranging from intricate wave-current interactions to sediment dynamics, and from the complexities of mixing within stratified flows in the surf zone to those on the inner-shelf regions.
Of particular interest are the exchange flows within the Ebro Delta river mouth and the intricate water circulation patterns within semi-enclosed water bodies (Fangar and Alfacs bays in Ebro Delta). These phenomena serve as focal points for our research, shedding light on the dynamics of these vital ecosystems and their interaction with the surrounding environment.
Augmenting our observational capabilities, our infrastructure is complemented with a suite of numerical models. This includes both “off-line” and “on-line” nesting techniques, facilitating the seamless coupling of wave dynamics, current patterns, and sediment transport processes. Through this integration, we pursue a holistic understanding of the intricate dynamics shaping the coastal and marine environments of the Ebro Delta, thus enabling informed decision-making and sustainable management strategies for these critical ecosystems.
Based on the technical specifications and scope of the service, the following types of research can be supported and developed:
  1. Coastal fringe morphodynamic interactions with river mouth processes.
  2. River plume dynamics, including mixing in the interface, and effects of sediment nutrient land discharges on to the adjacent continental shelf.
  3. Sea level rise effects on coastal hydro-morpho-eco-dynamics and analysis of impacts and trade-offs.
  4. Effect of met ocean extremes on coastal processes under interaction with river mouth processes.
  5. Assessment of the role of NBS on coastal-hydro-morpho-eco-dynamics under present and future scenarios.

Special Features

Additional support of deploying, including morning design, and recovery operations of scientific equipment.

Programming scientific devices according to the sampling interval, spatial resolutions, etc to measure high and low frequency processes.
Support to download and interpret numerical results from the numerical model suite of coupled hydrodynamic process.
Support on clearances processes and permission documentation of eventual deployments within the natural protected areas of Ebro Delta.

Support offered to AQUARIUS users

The support included to users include data acquisition, equipment deployment, modelling configuration and data analysis

Infrastructure Availability and Contact Details

Year 2025

February, March, April, June, July, September, October, November, December

Year 2026

February, March, April, June, July, September, October, November, December

Year 2027

February, March, April, June, July, September, October, November, December

Contact email for applicants to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application


Certification and Clearance Requirements

Additional clearances/certification or documentation required for an area or type of activity

Specific mooring deployments in natural areas of Ebro Delta may entail eventual permissions

Additional training required

Required are specific workshops with users to facilitate the preparation of Transnational Access. Specialized personnel from the Infrastructure Operator will organize and provide the training.