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Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (Centro De Ciências Do Mar)

Infrastructure Profile

Infrastructure Provider


CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (Matosinhos, Porto, Portugal)

Organisation & Address

CIIMAR, Edifício do Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões, Avenida General Norton de Matos S/N, 4450-208 Matosinhos, Portugal

Infrastructure Webpage 

Link to Infrastructure Schedules (if applicable)


Maximum Number of Days Available

For each project, 90 days

Scientists’ Travel and Logistics (T&L) Budget Available

Up to €500 per user


Equipment & Service Components Available

EMBRC-Portugal-CIIMAR offers the following services/equipment:
1. Biobanks
2. Culture collections
3. Marine model organisms
4. Organisms collected in the wild
5. Rearing of aquaculture animals
6. Taxonomic services
7. Data analysis tools and software
8. Data sets
9. Coastal research vessels
10. Sampling equipment
11. Scientific diving
12. Aquaria and tanks
13. Climate-controlled rooms
14. Dry laboratories
15. Mesocosms
16. Wet laboratories
17. Library services
18. Training facilities
19. Bioassays
20. Imaging
21. Molecular biology and omics
22. Structural and chemical analysis

Testing and Analyses Facilitated

The above listed services facilitate access to the following:
  1. DEEP Biobank – sponges and corals of the deep sea, especially North Atlantic Ocean
  2. LEGE CC – Cyanobacteria and microalgae collection (1000 strains;; CIIMAR microbial culture collection: Actinobacteria, Planctomycetes, Fungi and bacteria from different phyla (Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes)
  3. Wide range of aquaculture fish species, invertebrates, macroalgae and model organisms
  4. Sampling of species from the Atlantic Western coast of Portugal and adjacent estuaries
  5. Access to the aquarium facilities: 5L – 600 L tanks, RAS, salinity control, temperature, conductivity, redox, photoperiod control, diverse species tank, automatic feeders, faeces collectors, with technical support
  6. Identification of marine bacteria, cyanobacteria, microalgae, invertebrates and fish
  7. Bioinformatics platform: genomics and transcriptomics software, genome assembly, sequence databases
  8. Access to oceanographic data through the RAIA observatory
  9. Coastal research vessels operating in Northern Portugal, Atlantic Western coast and nearby estuaries
  10. Water column or sediment sampling (Niskin bottles, nets, etc ); in situ environmental monitoring (CTD, multiparameter probes, etc.)
  11. Fully certified scientific diving team: collection of biological samples; underwater experimental deployment; sensor/probes deployment and/or testing; video and photograph collection
  12. Aquaculture platform: 5L – 600 L tanks, RAS, salinity control, temperature, conductivity, redox, photoperiod control, diverse species tank, automatic feeders, faeces collectors, with technical support
  13. Experimental facilities for microorganism cultivation. Photobioreactors for microalgae cultivation (50ml to 16 L).
  14. General-purpose dry labs, serving specific techniques
  15. Mesocosms to support marine ecology experiments
  16. General-purpose wet laboratories to support aquaculture, ecotoxicology and ecological experiments
  17. Bibliographic databases online
  18. Conference and meeting rooms
  19. Bioactivity screening assays: antifouling, antimicrobial, anticancer, allelopathy, anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory
  20. Light, inverted and epifluorescence microscopy with image acquisition
  21. Proteomics analysis (protein extraction and quantification, 1 and 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis, Filtered Aided Sample Preparation (FASP), Peptide purification (Desalting by C18 ziptips), LC-MS/MS, protein identification and label-free Q-proteomics). Genomic identification of organisms and gene-based analyses (DNA extraction, sequencing and bioinformatics). Gene expression studies (PCR)
  22. Segmented Flow Analyzers (SFA), Atomic Absorption Spectrometers (AAS), LC-MS/MS and HPLC, Gas Chromatographs (GC-FID and Mass Spectrometry), Organic Elemental Analyzer-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (EA-IRMS)

Size and Capacity/Volume and Throughput

Whenever applicable and available, this information is detailed in the description above

Scientific and Technical Specifications

General Information

CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research – is a leading research and advanced training institution of the University of Porto, working at the frontier of Ocean Knowledge and Innovation. The centre uses knowledge-based approaches to promote the natural capital and the sustained management of marine resources through ecosystem health monitoring, aquaculture optimisation, and biotechnological exploitation of the resources for environmental and human health applications.
CIIMAR mobilises a multidisciplinary, highly skilled and motivated team (660 members, including 240 with PhD), covering an extensive diversity of scientific and technological skills and expertise, under three research domains: global changes and ecosystem services, aquaculture and seafood quality, and marine biotechnology.
Located at the heart of the maritime industry in the Northern region of Portugal (Leixões Harbour), CIIMAR´s state-of-the-art research and training facilities feature well-equipped laboratories and technological core platforms with integrated services and equipment for marine and maritime research and animal experimental facilities for freshwater and marine organisms.

Special Features

CIIMAR’s privileged location enables facilitated access to a wide range of marine ecosystems and to the Natura 2000 site “Litoral Norte”, providing an excellent opportunity to study the influences of marine and freshwater in coastal intertidal and subtidal communities. To access these ecosystems, CIIMAR provides a range of coastal research vessels, technical equipment, supporting facilities and a scientific diving team.
CIIMAR offers the opportunity to work with comprehensive culture collections of cyanobacteria, actinobacteria, planctomycetes and a variety of marine model organisms.
CIIMAR provides access to several state-of-the-art culture and experimental facilities, including the new Bioterium of Aquatic Organisms (BOGA) committed to the highest standards of experimentation and care for aquatic organisms. From macro and microalgae to fish, cephalopods, and other invertebrates, BOGA provides an exclusive setting for the study of these organisms.
Furthermore, through well-equipped laboratories and specialized technological platforms for Analytical Chemistry, Biodiscovery and Biorefinery, Bioinformatics, Genomic and Proteomics and Ecotoxicology, CIIMAR aims to support research on different topics related to marine biological systems.

Support offered to AQUARIUS users

The scheduling and integration of Users in the infrastructure will be supported through the AQUARIUS local liaison officer. Logistical, technical and scientific support will be offered according to the duration and objective of each project, as well as bench and office space, on equal terms with resident scientific teams. The scientific atmosphere of the centre is very informal and international with regular seminars and conferences that provide excellent opportunities for Users to take part in ongoing research activities and to collaborate with other research teams.

Infrastructure Availability and Contact Details

Year 2025

All-year round. Availability of the specific platform/services/equipment validated upon request.

Year 2026

All-year round. Availability of the specific platform/services/equipment validated upon request.

Year 2027

All-year round. Availability of the specific platform/services/equipment validated upon request.

Contact email for applicants to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application

Carla Domingues, Ana Cavadas – ciimarembrc[at]

Certification and Clearance Requirements

Any permits/clearances required for operations? If yes, please provide relevant information about the application process

The need for permits/clearances must be validated on a case-by-case basis

Additional clearances or documentation required for an area or type of activity

The need for permits/clearances must be validated on a case-by-case basis

Additional training required

Internal training is required depending on the technological platform. The training will be provided by the Infrastructure Operator.