Important information for potential applicants to our open Transnational Access Call. Please register your application early and read this information.
Infrastructure Profile
Faro, Portugal
Organisation & Address
Universidade do Algarve, Gambelas Edifício 7, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal
Maximum Number of Days Available
For each project, 60 days
Scientists’ Travel and Logistics (T&L) Budget Available
€ 2,033.00
Equipment & Service Components Available
EMBRC-Portugal-CCMAR offers the following services/equipment:
1.Marine model organisms
2.Organisms collected in the wild
3.Rearing of aquaculture animals
4.Coastal research vessels
5.Sampling equipment
6.Scientific diving
7.Aquaria and tanks
8.Climate controlled rooms
9.Dry laboratories
10.Wet laboratories
13.Molecular biology and omics
14.Structural and chemical analysis
15.Remote sensing and telemetry
Testing and Analyses Facilitated
The above listed services facilitate access to the following:
- Marine model organisms: Sole (Sole senegalensis), seabream (Sparus aurata), seabass (Dicentrachus labrax) or other species upon request
- Organisms collected in the wild: Organisms collected in the Algarve Atlantic coast (South Portugal) and nearby estuaries (intertidal, subtidal areas)
- Rearing of aquaculture animals: Laboratories, Aquaria and tank facilities available
- Coastal research vessels: Research boat (9 meters and up to 30 miles range) and small boats operating in Algarve Atlantic coast (South Portugal)
- Sampling equipment: Sampling (Niskin bottles, nets, etc.); in situ environmental monitoring (CTD, multiparameter probes, etc.), small boats
- Scientific diving: Technical and logistic support for diving in the Algarve Atlantic Coast (South Portugal). Boat access to nearby estuaries, intertidal and subtidal ecosystems
- Aquaria and tanks: Ramalhete Marine Station inside Ria Formosa lagoon; Climate controlled rooms and thermostatic baths
- Climate controlled rooms: Experimental facilities for aquatic organisms’ studies
- Dry laboratories: General and specialized laboratories
- Wet laboratories: General purpose wet laboratories
- Bioassays: Cell-based bioassays and biosensors for small molecule and protein function and biodiscovery
- Imaging: Imaging and image analysis on Fluorescence Microscopy, Lightsheet, Optical Clearing, 5D imaging, Flowcam, Phase Contrast, DIC, Brightfield and Stereo Microscopy; access and assistance on sample preparation
- Molecular biology and omics: Sanger and Nanopore sequencing, PCR, High Throughput real time PCR, DNA and RNA automatized extraction; Recombinant protein production, protein structural and functional characterization
- Structural and chemical analysis: Mass spectrometry (GC, HPLC, LC), SWITCHSense DNA nanolever biosensor (chemical interactions, Kd, etc.), RMN, micro FTIR, Carbon/Nitrogen analyser
- Remote sensing and telemetry: Aquatic animal tracking with acoustic telemetry. Ecosystem access support in Algarve Atlantic coast and Arrábida
Size and Capacity/Volume and Throughput
Whenever applicable and available, this information is detailed in the description above
Scientific and Technical Specifications
General Information
The Algarve Centre of Marine Sciences, also known by its acronym CCMAR, is one of Portugal’s leading marine science research centres and is widely recognised for the excellence of its research at European level. Its capacity is based on a multidisciplinary team including marine biology, ecology, oceanography, environmental sciences, biotechnology, fisheries and aquaculture.
Located in the south of Portugal, CCMAR is an independent, non-profit research organisation that is part of the University of the Algarve system and has public utility status.
Support offered to AQUARIUS users
A typical access process involves 1-2 persons for a duration of one month. Planning: Usually started remotely; Setting Up and Monitoring: Experiments or ecosystem access are arranged and monitored. For longer experiments, the service provider may set them up, and the visit focuses on monitoring, finalizing experiments, collecting samples, and preparing them for transport; Sample Analysis: Some samples may be analyzed locally in laboratories and technological platforms; Responsibilities: Users handle paperwork and shipment costs for special materials, reagents, or equipment. A User Access contract must be signed between the host institution and the user’s home institution; Seminars: Visitors are invited to present at the weekly seminar program; Visitors must have pre-flight cancellation insurance and comprehensive health/work/travel insurance, covering pre-existing conditions, worldwide travel assistance, and emergency air transportation for the entire visit. These insurance costs are the users’ responsibility and are not covered by the TA.
Infrastructure Availability and Contact Details
Year 2025
Available all-year round
Year 2026
Available all-year round
Year 2027
Available all-year round
Contact email for applicants to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application
Ana Margarida Amaral (ccmarassemble[at]
Certification and Clearance Requirements
Any permits/clearances required for operations? If yes, please provide relevant information about the application process
To collect samples in nature, national authority permits should be requested in advance. Researchers conducting procedures with live fish must hold a FELASA animal experimentation certification and obtain a project license from the Directorate General for Food and Veterinary (DGAV), both of which should be requested in advance. Additionally, compliance with the Nagoya Protocol, Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS), and other ethical considerations associated with TA projects should be discussed and agreed upon in advance with the local Liaison Officer.
Additional clearances or documentation required for an area or type of activity
A typical access process involves 1-2 persons for a duration of one month. Planning: Usually started remotely; Setting Up and Monitoring: Experiments or ecosystem access are arranged and monitored. For longer experiments, the service provider may set them up, and the visit focuses on monitoring, finalizing experiments, collecting samples, and preparing them for transport; Sample Analysis: Some samples may be analyzed locally in laboratories and technological platforms; Responsibilities: Users handle paperwork and shipment costs for special materials, reagents, or equipment. A User Access contract must be signed between the host institution and the user’s home institution; Seminars: Visitors are invited to present at the weekly seminar program; Visitors must have pre-flight cancellation insurance and comprehensive health/work/travel insurance, covering pre-existing conditions, worldwide travel assistance, and emergency air transportation for the entire visit. These insurance costs are the users’ responsibility and are not covered by the TA.
Additional training required
To work with animals, it is mandatory to have project approval in advance by the relevant authority and to be licensed to experiment with animals (vertebrates and cephalopods). Users will receive an introduction to the infrastructure on arrival. Training to work with specific instrumentation is provided by specialised technicians and/or scientists on arrival. Courses are also provided occasionaly. All training will be organized by CCMAR.