The Marine Institute’s Research Vessel Operations Manager and AQUARIUS project coordinator, Aodhan Fitzgerald and Rosemarie Butler, participated in the 26th annual European Research Vessel Operators (ERVO) meeting held in Vigo, Spain from 10-13 June 2024. The ERVO meeting provided an opportunity to highlight the role AQUARIUS can play to foster collaboration and innovation in the marine and maritime research community. It also underscores AQUARIUS’ dedication to advancing best practices in research vessel operation.
ERVO meetings have a crucial role in the marine and maritime research landscape. They provide a platform for operators from small- to medium-sized research vessels from across Europe to come together and discuss the pressing issues they face today. These gatherings are instrumental in fostering an environment of collaboration and innovation, where ideas and solutions can be freely exchanged, and common challenges addressed. The goal is to improve the services provided to the scientific community, ensuring that research vessels can operate effectively and efficiently.
Through two competitive transnational access calls, AQUARIUS will provide funded transnational access to a diverse portfolio of 57 research infrastructure services, of which 19 are research vessels. The knowledge and insights gained from such events contribute to improving AQUARIUS’ services. The commitment to innovation and excellence demonstrated at the ERVO meetings reflects the collective effort to push the boundaries of marine and maritime research and ensure sound environmental management of our aquatic ecosystems.