Infrastructure Profile
Newport, Co. Mayo F28 PF65, Ireland
Organisation & Address
Marine Institute, Furnace, Newport, Co. Mayo F28 PF65, Ireland
Link to Infrastructure Schedules (if applicable)
Maximum Number of Days Available
Equipment & Service Components Available
Testing and Analyses Facilitated
The facilities have been used for a range of studies investigating the influence of the rearing environment (flow-through versus RAS) on the production and performance of Atlantic salmon post smolts when transferred to sea (in conjunction with the Lehanagh Pool Marine Research Site). Recent studies have also focused on feed trials and piloting new sensors for water quality monitoring.
Size and Capacity/Volume and Throughput
Turnaround Time for Testing and Analyses
Data Formats/Data Acquisition Systems
Scientific and Technical Specifications
General Information
The recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) consists of eight 5.5 m³ rectangular tanks with a total capacity of 44,000 L. Together with the flow-through (FT) system, they offer the potential for a range of comparative aquaculture studies investigating the effect of e.g. rearing environment (RAS v FT), environmental parameters, nutrition studies on the production and performance of Atlantic salmon smolts. The site operates under an aquaculture license and is authorized under EU Regulations for the use of animals for scientific purposes.
Special Features
Support offered to AQUARIUS users
Infrastructure Availability and Contact Details
Year 2025
Year 2026
Year 2027
Contact email for applicants to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application
Certification and Clearance Requirements
Any permits/clearances required for operations? If yes, please provide relevant information about the application process
Additional clearances or documentation required for an area or type of activity